quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2009

Inglês: Animais da Oceania e Ásia

Inglês: Oceania and Ásia's animals
Animals: Giraffe, Zebra and Elephant.


What it eat: It eat vegetation and grass.
It is... a mammal, have four legs and a long neck.
It can... swim and walk.
Curiosity: The giraffe's neck measure 3 meters.
                It sleep standing.


What it eat: It eat vegetation and grass.
It is... a mammal, have four legs and are black and white.
It can... walk, swim, run and jump.
Curiosity: The zebra can run up to 70 km per hour.
               Can live up 30 years.

What it eat: It eat vegetation such as grass and leaves from trees.
It is... a mammal, have four legs, a trunk and tusks.
It can...walk and swim.
Curiosity: An African elephant has so much skill "manual" in the trunk that can turn to the pages of a book.        
              The elephant is the only mammal that can not jump.
              Elephants eat about 230 kg of food per day. 
              The weight of a newborn elephant is 100 kg.

Names:Vinícius Requião, Mauricio Xavier e Pedro Alberto.
Theme: Oceania and Ásia's animals


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